Frequently Asked Questions - Phone Card Point - Buy Australian Phone Cards Online

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How much money will I make?
  2. What are Partner Commission?
  3. Are you a multi-level marketing scheme?
  4. How do you pay my commissions to you?
  5. How do I ask you to pay me my commissions?
  6. What fees do I pay to join your program?
  7. I see some online phone card websites discounting their products. Can I do this?
  8. Can I use my own domain name?
1. How much money will I make?

It really depends on how many phone cards or recharges you sell each month. It is not unusual for some partners to make $500 - $1000 per month. Partners with strong marketing skills can make around $20,000 per month but really there is no limit. The commission rate that you are paid each month depends on your rank which is based on the sales volume you achieved in the previous month. However, to help you build your sales volume all new affiliate will start with a rate of 12% commission for the first 3 months after

Rank Sales volume Own Shop Commission Partner Commission
President $12,000 20% 2%
Vice President $5,000 16% 2%
Associate $2,000 14% 2%
Manager $1,000 12% 2%
Trainee $100 11% 2%
Grunt $0 - $99 10% 2%
Unqualified First 3 months 12% 2%

2. What are Partner Commission?

There is a link called "Partner Program -$$$" on your phone card website. Anyone that joins our program by clicking on that link on your website is your partner and you will earn 2% on the sales made from their store. Please note that people will only become your partner if they join by clicking on the link on your website. If you verbally ask them to join and they join directly without clicking on the "Partner Program -$$$" link on your website they will not be your partner and you will not earn 2% on their sales.

3. Are you a multi-level marketing scheme?

Absolutely not. We believe that you should be rewarded for telling other people about our program. You do not earn commissions from people that join under your partner so we cannot be classified as a multi-level scheme.

4. How do you pay my commissions to you?

We pay your commissions to you by either direct deposit into your registered bank account, Paypal or cheque.

5. How do I ask you to pay me my commissions?

On the top right hand corner of your administrative console there is a link called "Order Stats". In the Order stats page there is a link to the right of "Unpaid Commission from previous month(s)" Called [Pay me]. Click on this link to request the payment of your commission. Please allow us 5 -7 business days to process your request. Please make your requests on before the 10th day of month. Payment requests make after the 10th day of month will only be processed in the next month. This is the only method to may payment request. We do not accept payment request by email or phone.

6. What fees do I pay to join your program?

All we charge is a once off setup fee of A$10 to cover the cost of setting up your website. There are no on going-fees.

7. I see some online phone card websites discounting their products. Can I do this?

Yes. Click on the "Domain Management" link on the top right hand corner of your administrative console. At the bottom of that screen you there is a field called "Discount" where you can set your discount. The discount applies to all products sold on your website. Please note that the discount you give will directly decrease the commission you receive. For example if you are on a rank of Associate (14% commission) and give a discount of 10% you will only earn 4% commission on your own shop sales. The maximum discount allowed for each level is given on the table below:

Rank Discount
President 10%
Vice President 10%
Associate 10%
Manager 8%
Trainee 8%
Grunt 8%
Unqualified 8%

8. Can I use my own domain name?

To use your own domain on your website please buy your domain name from a domain registrar and insert the domain name in the Store domain field in domain management.
You then need to contact the company that you bought the domain from and ask them to set your domain's IP address to You may be able to do this yourself on the domain name registrar's web console however, some domain registration companies do not allow you to do this yourself and you will need to contact them by phone or email to tell them to do this for you. Once this is done your domain name should resolve to this IP address immediately and people will be able to go to your website with your domain name. Please note that setting your domain's IP address to our IP address is different from changing the domain name's DNS.

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* Some telecommunications companies have increased their privacy technology which means if you have a private number the PIN-less technology on our calling cards may not work for you. Feel free to contact us if you have questions regarding this.